Then I decided to create texts content first, but found out there is only "About" page need it for people to understand about this project.
So this is the draft content for the About page: (may make changes later on)
Welcome to “Infection of Smile”, this is a final year project for my education. My name is Tan Jaw Yuh, a student of Multimedia University and major in Media Art.
What is “Infection of Smile”?
"Smiling is infectious, you catch it like the flu. When someone smiled at me today, I started smiling too."
Smiling is indeed important in our everyday life, both in our personal lives as well as within the workplace. There is the saying "Smile and the whole world smiles with you." Well, sayings like this are actually grounded in fact. When you smile, it does tend to trigger off smiles in others around you. Even in extremely stressful situations, a smile can easily brighten up everybody's mood.
The value of a smile is priceless. It can't be bought, begged or borrowed. It costs nothing to give, but is the most sincere gift that one might be able to give to another. A smile brings rest to the weary, and is the best antidote for discouragement. It brings sunshine to the sad and hope to the hopeless.
What is this project about?
The goal and aim for this project is to encourage people to smile more and share their smile to others. The basic concept is to create a happiness environment on cyberspace which is full of “smile”. This application allowed you to take a photo of your smile, and customize it in your way, and then send to your friends and family to “infect” the smile to them.
Other than that, there is a “flashmob” on cyberspace for this project. After taken the photo of your smile, please use it as your profile picture of Facebook or other social networking sites, to share your smile and try to influence others to do the same and make the cyberspace full of smiling faces
So what are you waiting for? Start to share your smile now!
If you have any suggestion or comment for this project, please contact me at:
First explain the basic concept of "Infection of smile" and then introduce about what is the project about and using "call to action" to invite people to join the flashmob of changing their social media profile picture to the smiling photo that taken on the site.
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