Proposal 2


Tiger Slaughtering


Tiger, the arrogant and proud king of the jungle, whose realm was unchallenged even by the likes of Alexander, Changez Khan and Tamur Lane, fell prey, first to the greed of hunters in quest of ‘trophies’, then to the mercenary poachers – who traded every organ of the tiger for money, and most recently to ‘planned development’ encroaching on tiger territory.

A hundred years ago there were over 100,000 tigers – today there are perhaps fewer than 5,000 – 95% have been wiped out. Of these 5,000 about 3500 are hiding in India – in scattered pockets called Reserves - and the remaining in Bangladesh.


More and more animals facing become extinct problem now. Tiger is one of the top ten animals that facing this problem. But still many people didn't realize about this problem or they just don't even care about this. Tiger Slaughtering happened because the needs of the market, the skin, the organ that treated as a herb, etc. If this needs continue, tiger slaughtering problem can't be stop. So people need to realize about this issues and stop producing the needs.


- to alert people about tiger slaughtering issues.
- to provided more information about tiger slaughtering to people.


I always feel that human had go too far at treating animals. So I want to show people the life of animals also as precious as human life. Hope that people can start thinking about this issues and stop the needs.


The basic idea is to create a games alike installation, included a projected screen simulated tiger living on wild and a gun infront of it. The gun can only use to shoot the tiger but once the user shoot it, some message will appear to show that this action is incorrect, how many tiger left today in the whole world, and maybe users can browse through more details information after that. What I want to show to the users is, they suppose can do nothing to the tiger and watching it live happily but they choose to do the wrong things because of "desire". In here it's the desire of playing maybe, but in real life that is desire of the tiger products, desire of money making. Hope that shooting the tiger in a virtual scene and being told that it was wrong will make the users feel guilty in their heart and stop buying any tiger products to stop the needs of market.


Since 1900, the endangered tiger's habitat and numbers have been reduced by up to 95 per cent. Poachers continue to poison waterholes or set steel wire snares to kill tigers and tiger prey, selling their skins and body parts for use in traditional Chinese medicine.

Despite 20 years of international conservation efforts, we are losing ground to save the tiger as, on the endangered species list, all sub-species of tigers are considered critically endangered species. 

Of the eight original subspecies of tigers, three have become extinct in the last 60 years, an average of one every 20 years.The Bali tiger became extinct in the 1930's. The Caspian tiger was forced into extinction in the 1970's. And the Javan tiger followed in the 1980's. 

The number of tigers in the 1900's --over 100,000 -- dropped to 4,000 in the 1970's. Today, they are a critically endangered species with the total of all the wild populations of the five remaining subspecies (Bengal tigers, IndoChinese tigers, Siberian tigers, South China tigers, and Sumatran tigers) is an estimated 4,600 and 7,700 tigers.  It is known that all remaining tigers live in small, isolated populations in widely scattered reserves.


A games alike installation with a projector screen and a gun which can interact with the screen.

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