Precedent Studies - The Happy 2010 Sing-a-Long

I amsterdam: The Happy 2010 Sing-a-Long

To wish the whole world a happy new year, I amsterdam launches the Happy 2010 Sing-a-long. Everybody can make their own clip at and send it to friends or watch other people sing-a-long.

The video gallery page:

A combination video on YouTube:

This is a fun and non-profit project, all participants really enjoy singing and wishing the whole world a happy new year. When all the video put together and show as the picture above, there are very strong feel of the festival which can make people happy and smiling while watching those videos.

This project is very near to what I want to do for my FYP, while contain a gallery like the pictures showed above with everybody smiling to render the whole page to happiness feeling. Then people can directly access webcam using the function provided to join the fun, add themself into the gallery.

Precedent Studies - Happy Hunters

Desigual Happy Hunters - Is it possible to flood the internet with thousands of happy messages?

Spanish streetwear brand Desigual launched their new campaign at, based around the concept of digital happiness flashmob. And instead of jumping on the Facebook-Twitter bandwagon, it’s all about blogs and comments, sharing a happy reply on a participant blog to win your chosen item.

You can get the picture on the introduction video below:

Happy Hunters: We made internet a little more happy again!
Happy Hunters second wave has just finished with a huge succes. More than 3000 happy comments have surprised bloggers in Spain, France, UK, USA and Germany. Bloggers were astonished upon receiving an avalanche of unexpected comments in their blogs.

The idea behind the Happy Hunters was a challenge to our fans, to become hunters for Happiness. We wanted to spread some happiness on the web. 
As a start, by sending happy coments to blogs. Nothing more inspiring for a blogger than receiving lots of comments.

Desigual fans logged onto the campaign microsite, chose a garment from our new collection and waited for being informed to which blogs they were going to post happy comments.

The feedback was fabulous, as you can see in the blogs were all this happy comments landed. Many of them had the the blogger smiling and got their award.
We made internet a little more happy again! events
This campaign or they calls itself a web-based flash mob, encourage internet users to comment on blogger post and limited it to happy comment only for good intention. They had prove that people will actually follow if you set a rules for good intention. So I think it's possible for me to set rules for my FYP application which is only allow to share the happiness to make the whole environment have a happy feeling.

Precedent Studies - Show your Smile!

YouTube Event - Show your Smile!

I don't know how to call this but I would prefer to call it as event. This event is organized by a YouTube users named DanielGardner. Below is the description of the video above:

Make a video reply with your smile: it can be a video, a picture, or a drawing.
No words or audio necessary - just SMILE. Show the world you haven't forgotten how.

Do it. Now. Because I told you so. ;)

Here's how to make a video with only a picture, using Windows Movie Maker:

Just as simple as this, he show his smile through video and asking people to show their smile also. Will you do it after watching this video? There are over 280 YouTubers have made video replies since DanielGardner upload his video.

This video is a compilation of 100 of those smiles:

Did you smile or gain some happiness from this video?

Some comment of this video in YouTube:
hey there :) unbelievable that u made so many people show their smile just by giving them one of yours' :) ...
I just posted my SMILE!! :D and yeah you have enough smiles to make a second video i loved the first one!!
i really like your smile! It made me smile as well! :)
I always watch this when I need to smile :)
All of them look good when they smile .In Arabic we say smile for life the life will smile for you
i smile all the time! i always encourage my friend Daniel to smile, but he doesntt. i made him watch this vid and for the first time he smiled! thnx ! this vid helped!~
This is such a wonderful idea! I'll show my smile when I have a new cam, I swear! <3
SMILE is my greatest weapon.... SMILE change my life.... SMILE brings me to the top.... SMILE makes me hansome.... SMILE is my best friend in facing the greatest problems in my life.... without SMILE i will simply die in sadness.... i discovered that i have a beautiful smile when i was 16 yrs old.... it changes everything xD.... now SMILE is my life a way life.... 
This shows that people like the idea, they like to see people smile and it can make them smile also. DanielGardner just posted a video of he himself smiling and asking for other people to join him also, then this event can get over 280 participants and over million views of the video. This is a good reference for my FYP due to the same theme which is smile. I believe by providing more easier and functional ways for people to share their smile using the power of new media such as function of directly record from their webcam, after record they can straightforward to edit it etc, the number of participants will be increase.

Precedent Studies - It's No Picnic

Cadbury's Picnic: IT'S NO PICNIC

"IT'S NO PICNIC" is a campaign launched by Cadbury’s Australia for their Picnic chocolate bar. The fully-integrated campaign directs people to official website where they can build their own television commercial. The website allows them to upload their film (or record themselves by webcam using the function provided in official website), edit their footage, choose one of 50 pre-recorded Voice Overs and personalise it by including their name, of which around 1,400 individual names were recorded. Once finished they submit their ad for approval, with the best ones being selected and aired on national television.

This campaign challenged its audience to eat a Picnic in the space of a :30 commercial break. The number of responses is usually linked to ease of participation, the equity of the brand and the fun aspect of the ‘act’ involved. Picnic chocolate bar is made of nuts, wafer, chocolate, rice crisps and caramel – quite a mouthful, so it's hard to finish in just 30 seconds. But when people trying, it will become a funny things for other people to watch especially when the film was added with funny voice overs. The website contain a gallery of all submitted video for audiences to browse through, vote, or share it to other social networking sites such as facebook, myspace and twitter, this helps in spreading the video around.

It's No Picnic TV Commercial:

This campaign inspired me in its "pre-recorded voice overs", which I can modify and add in my fyp. In my fyp, it may become ready made funny effects or graphics to be add in photos to make the smiling photos become more fun and happy. Maybe allow people to type in their own text in the photos also, for better use of people own creativity and customization. Another ideas coming out from this campaign is that maybe can taking photos while users viewing other photos in gallery, which may get photos of users laughing while viewing those funny photos, then they can edit the photos and save in the gallery, and generate the effect of "infection of smile".


Why laughter is contagious

How many times has it happened that when one person starts laughing, it takes no time till everybody else in the group starts rolling too? And now, researchers have found clues behind this common phenomenon and have explained why laughter is so contagious.

Sophie Scott at University College London measured the brain activity of 20 volunteers in a functional MRI scanner while she played them laughter, squeals of triumph and moans of fear and disgust.

She also played a neutral, artificial sound that would have no specific meaning to the subjects.

It was found that all the emotive sounds triggered a response in the brain's premotor cortical, the area that controls the movement of facial muscles.

Inside the brain scanners, though, the subjects were not actually using these muscles.

To Scott, that indicates the brain is wired with "mirror circuits" that prime us to copy another's behaviour when we recognise their emotions.

The brain response was more pronounced for the sounds of laughter and triumph than the vocalisations of negative emotions, suggesting that the urge to copy is greatest when we hear another's delight or amusement.

That may explain how laughter is contagious, but the researchers wondered why should it be so.

One explanation stems from its evolutionary origins in rough-and-tumble play, where laughter sends out a clear message that the fighting is not for real.

"It might be important to have the whole group safely signal this so that a play fight does not turn ugly because someone ''didn't get the memo,''" New Scientist quoted Christian Hempelmann at Purdue University in West Lafayette, Indiana, as saying.

On the other hand, Scott believes that mirroring another's emotional state might ease communication and interaction.

Laughing at the same joke would help us to show affiliation with others, and this may be why it is especially contagious.

"Laughter is an incredibly binding thing," she said.

The study has been published in the Journal of Neuroscience.

Article Source:

Spread Your Positivity Like a Virus!

Are you the only optimistic person you know? Perhaps that one person in the office who always says something can't be done? Perhaps your spouse or loved one who is constantly negative, the kind of person that would see one tiny cloud in the sky as an indication of a gloomy day. Or even a good mate who 'knows' the home team will lose because...well...because he just knows it. Or that one person in your drinking group that is constantly complaining about anything under the sun.

If you are in this situation and you're bursting with positivity and personal growth that just does not seem to be catching on with the ones you know, there are a few tactics you can deploy to get those negative bugs off. It's important to want to change someone's negative perception because sooner or later, their negativity can infect you! And that is the LAST thing you want!

Always smile. Keep that frown off your face. A smile can spread on and on. When you smile you radiate happiness. When others see you smile, they have to return it. DO a test. Do a random smile test now. Right now! Just take a stroll through your neighborhood or at the gym. Smile at everyone that crosses your path. Chances are there will be more people smiling back at you. And when they do, even if they are having the toughest day of their life, just by smiling at you, a little positivity will seep into them. It can't be helped!

Say something nice to the person whose pessimistic vibes are really getting to you. Compliments are a great way to make someone's day and occasionally, that good feeling will be a reminder for that person about what's good in their life. So give a compliment but one that's well meant and not just another cliche like "You look great!' Something specific like "I like it when you smile, it lights up your face." usually does well to inject some positivity into someone.

The worst thing you can do to a super negative person is to punish them. Let's say your child does not have much confidence and because of that negativity, he does not do well in school, punishing the kid won't do well for his esteem. Or if your friend is always late, teasing him or getting angry at his lack of time management won't help you one bit. In fact it might make him want to piss you more the next time. Punishments reinforce negativity, they don't elevate them. Which takes us to the final tactic.

If you are stuck with a person oozing negativity, gently nudge them with positive thoughts. Instead of pinpointing on the things they do wrong, point out what they do right. Say your always-late pal, if he ever happens to make it early (or earlier than usual) one day, tell him how good it is that he made it on time and how much you appreciate it. Positive encouragements are baby steps to wonderful positivity. Or if your spouse says that she thinks she's not good enough the higher job position, don't say ' Well, if you think you can't you won't." instead say "You know what? I believe in you." It's a great way to instill positivity and motivate personal growth in any person!

Article Source:!&id=4313557

The Many Benefits of a Good Laugh 

We’ve all heard that eating chocolate and having sex are two activities that stimulate those “feel-good” receptors in our brains, but did you know that there is another activity that falls into the same category? Yes it’s laughter! Simply enjoying a good laugh also causes the release of dopamine, the neurotransmitter associated with the reward center of the brain.

Laughter raises our tolerance to pain (how exactly is not understood) but instead of watching the news the next time you’re on the treadmill, turn on a comedy show and see what a difference it makes.

  • Up to 15 muscles are activated, just to make us smile.
  • Heart rate and blood pressure go briefly up, but then below baseline, which is similar to what happens after exercise.
  • The diaphragm, the large muscle just under our lungs, flexes in an out, pulling air in and pushing it out. This not only produces laughter as air rushes through the vocal cords, but also fills the blood with oxygen, which flows throughout the rest of the body.
  • Blood flow to the face increases, giving us a happy glow and oxygenating the skin.
  • A good laugh ‘till you cry is good for you, since tears (both the happy and sad kind) can reduce symptoms of stress.
  • Studies have shown that laughter may help boost immunity by raising levels of disease-fighting agents, namely immunoglobulins and killer-T cells.
  • Studies have also linked regular laughter with improved glucose levels in those suffering from diabetes.
  • If we’re laughing hard enough, we can infect those around us – laughter is contagious, and it makes everyone feel good!

Article Source:

Proposal 3 [Selected]


Infection of Smile


"Smiling is infectious, you catch it like the flu. When someone smiled at me today, I started smiling too." by Karen McLendon-Laumann

Smiling is indeed important in our everyday life, both in our personal lives as well as within the workplace. There is the saying "Smile and the whole world smiles with you." Well, sayings like this are actually grounded in fact. When you smile, it does tend to trigger off smiles in others around you. Even in extremely stressful situations, a smile can easily brighten up everybody's mood.

The value of a smile is priceless. It can't be bought, begged or borrowed.

It costs nothing to give, but is the most sincere gift that one might be able to give to another. A smile brings rest to the weary, and is the best antidote for discouragement. It brings sunshine to the sad and hope to the hopeless.


Nowadays people are facing a lots of stress and unhappy things in life and most of them can't be avoid. Everyday I see my facebook full of complaint from everyone, complaint about their friends, complaint about their life etc. But what if there are full of happy things, everyone is sharing their happy experience instead of complaining, I think in that way will make everyone more happy. So I think we might need a media/platform/places for us to share our happiness only, such as our smile photos, our happy story etc.


- to let the world full of happiness.


Those complaint at facebook always make me think of what happened in this world, is the world really so unhappy? So I am thinking to share happiness to others and gain happiness from others also.


The basic idea is to create an online application and platform that let people share their happiness and infect to others. Through the application, people can take pictures of they smiling and it will saved in database and other users can browse through gallery of smile and gain some happiness from there. Besides that, users can write down their happy experience or any joke in there to spread the happiness.


A smile is a facial expression formed by flexing the muscles near both ends of the mouth. The smile can also be found around the eyes (See 'Duchenne smile' below). Among humans, it is customarily an expression denoting pleasure, happiness, or amusement, but can also be an involuntary expression of anxiety, in which case it is known as a grimace. Cross-cultural studies have shown that smiling is a means of communicating emotions throughout the world. But there are large difference between different cultures. A smile can be spontaneous or artificial (when people feel obliged to smile). Happiness is most often the motivating cause of a smile. Among animals, the exposure of teeth, which may bear a resemblance to a smile, is often used as a threat or warning display—known as a snarl—or a sign of submission. In chimpanzees, it can also be a sign of fear. The study of smiles is a part of gelotology, psychology, and linguistics, comprising various theories of affect, humor, and laughter.


A online application with happy feeling layout, webcam take pictures function, sharing story function.

Proposal 2


Tiger Slaughtering


Tiger, the arrogant and proud king of the jungle, whose realm was unchallenged even by the likes of Alexander, Changez Khan and Tamur Lane, fell prey, first to the greed of hunters in quest of ‘trophies’, then to the mercenary poachers – who traded every organ of the tiger for money, and most recently to ‘planned development’ encroaching on tiger territory.

A hundred years ago there were over 100,000 tigers – today there are perhaps fewer than 5,000 – 95% have been wiped out. Of these 5,000 about 3500 are hiding in India – in scattered pockets called Reserves - and the remaining in Bangladesh.


More and more animals facing become extinct problem now. Tiger is one of the top ten animals that facing this problem. But still many people didn't realize about this problem or they just don't even care about this. Tiger Slaughtering happened because the needs of the market, the skin, the organ that treated as a herb, etc. If this needs continue, tiger slaughtering problem can't be stop. So people need to realize about this issues and stop producing the needs.


- to alert people about tiger slaughtering issues.
- to provided more information about tiger slaughtering to people.


I always feel that human had go too far at treating animals. So I want to show people the life of animals also as precious as human life. Hope that people can start thinking about this issues and stop the needs.


The basic idea is to create a games alike installation, included a projected screen simulated tiger living on wild and a gun infront of it. The gun can only use to shoot the tiger but once the user shoot it, some message will appear to show that this action is incorrect, how many tiger left today in the whole world, and maybe users can browse through more details information after that. What I want to show to the users is, they suppose can do nothing to the tiger and watching it live happily but they choose to do the wrong things because of "desire". In here it's the desire of playing maybe, but in real life that is desire of the tiger products, desire of money making. Hope that shooting the tiger in a virtual scene and being told that it was wrong will make the users feel guilty in their heart and stop buying any tiger products to stop the needs of market.


Since 1900, the endangered tiger's habitat and numbers have been reduced by up to 95 per cent. Poachers continue to poison waterholes or set steel wire snares to kill tigers and tiger prey, selling their skins and body parts for use in traditional Chinese medicine.

Despite 20 years of international conservation efforts, we are losing ground to save the tiger as, on the endangered species list, all sub-species of tigers are considered critically endangered species. 

Of the eight original subspecies of tigers, three have become extinct in the last 60 years, an average of one every 20 years.The Bali tiger became extinct in the 1930's. The Caspian tiger was forced into extinction in the 1970's. And the Javan tiger followed in the 1980's. 

The number of tigers in the 1900's --over 100,000 -- dropped to 4,000 in the 1970's. Today, they are a critically endangered species with the total of all the wild populations of the five remaining subspecies (Bengal tigers, IndoChinese tigers, Siberian tigers, South China tigers, and Sumatran tigers) is an estimated 4,600 and 7,700 tigers.  It is known that all remaining tigers live in small, isolated populations in widely scattered reserves.


A games alike installation with a projector screen and a gun which can interact with the screen.

Proposal 1


Illegal Rubbish Dumping


Illegal rubbish dumping, including roadside dumping and illegal land filling, degrades the local environment and generates significant community concern.
It is illegal to dump, or permit to be dumped, any waste, rubbish or soil products on private or public land, unless it is a licensed landfill site. If rubbish or soil is dumped on private land, with or without the owner's consent, it is the responsibility of the owner to arrange appropriate disposal of the waste, unless the person who dumped the waste can be identified.


Illegal rubbish dumping issues is getting worse specially in Malaysia. I found an interesting theory which called "broken window theory"

a house if the windows broke, no one patch, separated soon, other windows will be broken somehow; a wall, if the graffiti is not some washed, and soon, the wall covered with a mess on, unsightly thing; a very clean place People taking out the trash sorry, but once litter on the ground appears, people will not hesitate to throw, did not feel ashamed.

From this theory, if bad things happened and we didn't fix it in time, the problem will only get worse and worse. Same things applied to illegal rubbish dumping, most people dumping rubbish in illegal way is because they feel that everyone else is doing the same things.


- to alert people about illegal rubbish dumping issues.
- to experimental with broken window theory and let people realize that they themself are the key to solve this problem.


Living in Malaysia I am sure you will see a lots of rubbish beside the road, in a park or anywhere. So I want to tell people about this issues, try to change their lifestyle by removing this bad habit and keep the environment clean.


The basic idea is to create a scene of "besides a road" or "in a park" which is a normal scene to us. People(NPC) passing by and nothing happen until a person throw a rubbish at the ground, then slowly other people start throwing rubbish around also and the rubbish is getting more and more. This is to show to the audience the broken window theory which make this happened. The audience can start to do the right things by pick up the rubbish and throw it into dustbin, this action will lead other people to start pick up rubbish or stop throwing rubbish around. This is to show that we should start to do the right things ourself but not doing bad things just because everyone else is doing it.


The environmental impacts of illegal dumping are significant. Dumped rubbish can leach contaminates into our bushland, harming our plants and animals and blighting our landscape.

When it rains, illegally dumped rubbish can impact proper drainage
of run-off, making areas more susceptible to flooding when wastes block ravines, creeks, culverts and
drainage basins. If run-off passes through illegally dumped rubbish, the health and ecology of our waterways may also be affected by contaminants.

Illegal dumping can pose serious health risks. Areas used for illegal dumping may be accessible to people, especially children, who are vulnerable to the physical and chemical hazards posed by waste.Rodents, insects and other vermin attracted to illegal dump sites may also pose health risks. Illegal dump sites with scrap tyres provide an ideal breeding ground for mosquitoes which can carry diseases such as encephalitis.


A simple street scene simulated the real scene projected on wall which have interactive function.


Hi, my name is Tan Jaw Yuh,student ID 1071112702, major in Digital Media in MMU.

This blog is about the final year project of my major.

Every progress of the fyp will be posted here as a journal, please feel free to comment on it so that I can make it better :)